3 Things to Look For in a Guy

What are some qualities you should look for in a man? Listed below are three positive qualities that will make your date irresistible. Also, you’ll find out how to spot Godly masculinity. And don’t forget about Attentiveness and Trustworthiness! These traits are essential for a happy relationship! So, what are these characteristics? Read on to find out! Also, don’t forget to check out our other articles about men!

3 Things to Look For in a Guy
3 Things to Look For in a Guy

Positive qualities

Among the many qualities to look for in a guy, being positive is one of the most important. Being positive will help you maintain a positive mental state and a good outlook on life. Not only will it help you save your relationship, but it will also keep you healthy. Read on to discover the positive qualities you should look for in a guy. Then, start dating someone who embodies these qualities.

Godly masculinity

Often we are conditioned to believe that the man should drive a big truck, like sports, and kill wild animals. While these activities are indeed enjoyable, they do not express Godly masculinity. This is one of the reasons why we often feel alienated when dating a guy who does not have these hobbies. It’s not easy to spot a man who lacks the characteristics of a man and should therefore be avoided.

In the Bible, God intended man to be the leader and serve. Men are created for dominion, and it is a duty of men to lead. But manliness can become distorted when it becomes the focus of sinful flesh. That flesh has been the source of some of humanity’s most destructive deeds. Therefore, we must be careful not to allow the flesh to become our center of gravity.


Attentive guys are great for women because they can easily pick up on any red flags that might indicate a potential problem. By contrast, obsessive guys are completely blinded by their own attraction and are more concerned about the here and now. While attention is necessary, too much of it can be damaging. So how do you spot if a guy is attentive? Follow these tips to identify if he is genuinely interested in you.

An attentive guy makes a woman feel loved and appreciated. When a guy is inattentive, he can be frustrating and leave her feeling lonely. A man who is attentive to his woman will give her the attention she craves. If you are seeking attention, be sure to pay attention to his actions, words, and emotions. You can also tell if he’s sincerely interested in you by analyzing his behavior in public.


When you are dating a guy, one of the first things you should look for is his trustworthiness. Trustworthy men are honest and won’t hide anything from you. A trustworthy guy will not complain about the way he met your ex or how he cheated on you. If you feel unsure about his trustworthiness, you should probably move on. He won’t be afraid to talk about his past or let you into his life, either. If he’s constantly changing his story or changing his mind, that’s a sign that he’s not trustworthy.

Men who are untrustworthy will avoid you asking personal questions and will try to hide behind their own doubts. Trustworthy men will be patient and understanding with you when you ask them questions about themselves or the relationship. They’ll understand that you’re concerned about their feelings and will respond patiently. If you feel uneasy, you’ll want to move on to other men. If you’re unsure about your feelings, you can try talking to friends or family members to determine if a guy is trustworthy.


Integrity means a person is true to himself and to his moral principles. A man with integrity would not be self-satisfied, seek approval from others, or do anything that would put them in a bad light. An integrity-driven person would do the right thing, even when it would hurt them. It would be wise to look for a man who has integrity because this quality will not go out of style.

When you look for integrity in a guy, he’ll always value your time and work hard to get you where you need to be. He’ll be on time for meetings and events, and he’ll never be late for something. A man with integrity does not want to take credit for another person’s work, and he will avoid name-calling. He’ll make sure you’re acknowledged, rather than use your time to talk smack.